
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Family and Delinquency Essay

How is it developed and how is it Solved? Introduction â€Å"Abuse† and â€Å"violence† are considered to be terms that are believed to be the understatement of the actual situation that is happening in the society right now. It could be observed that through the years, the number of individuals being victimized by the said dilemma are undeniably increasing making the word â€Å"abuse† not just a word but one among the many things that people within the human society fear most. Abuse is the way by which people try to maltreat their fellowmen. This is regardless of the fact that the people being maltreated are either their friends or their family members as well. It could not be denied that this dreadful situation have affected the sections of human socialization already. The school institutions, the workplace, the churches and now even within homes, the existence of abuse cannot be much controlled anymore. This is primarily the reason why it is very important to take several things regarding this particular issue into consideration for studying. This would naturally allow a more focused procedure that shall be developed to assist abused victims both young and old, men and women to recover from the situation that they have been involved with when they were abused in the past. It is pretty much appalling to know how a highly established society could be afflicted by the different effects of the abusive acts that are brought about as one of the major disadvantages of the advancements of the society. What are the sources of these major abuses? Most likely, as psychologists and sociologists point out, people are moved to create possible ways of releasing their tension regarding several experiences through afflicting the security of others. Most of those who are noted as the ones victimizing others have been once victims themselves. On their own way then, they are trying to release the depression and the pain that they are afflicted with through passing on the dreadful situation to others as revenge to those who have once victimized them. The abusive acts and their effects on the victim do not end on the actual act of abusing alone. The results of the said incidents account for further impact on the personality of the victim primarily pertaining on his or her social interaction with the community that he lives with. Most likely, isolation and the feeling of lesser self-worth eventually develop. It could not be denied that these results are hardly expected by the victims before they were involved with the abuse that they were faced with. Certainly, it is through the memories of the abuse that the pain tends to remain in complete control of the victim’s major dealings with the society. At some point, the said victims tend to become socially avoiding as they actually fear that the same thing might happen to them again in the hands of other people that they may or may not know. The trust that they used to have on other people before they were victimized eventually fades making it harder for them to recover on the past that they have experienced. The World Reports and What They Pertain to According to worldwide reports, there are several abusive acts that are taken against the â€Å"weak ones† in a daily basis. Depressingly, the numbers of the victims never cease to stop. Even though there is a strong push on the making of the different laws and ordinances that are designed to protect people from being abused on the places that they are living or working in, it is undeniable that there is still a considerable annual rise to the rate of the population becoming victims of the said dreadful situation. As mentioned above, there are numerous types of abuses that plagues the society today. With the influences of media and other publications that provoke both sexual desires and violence, the desires of people to do something awful to others to simply comply to the thirst that they feel for themselves and the satisfaction that they ought to reach become much vivid and harder to avoid. Hence, pushing the abusers to come up with destructive acts that bring others into a devastating situation. It could be noted too through psychological studies that one cause of the ways by which people are moved to follow a certain path that leads them to abusing others actually involve depression and in depth disregard of one’s self. Most of the time, when depression and stress takes over the mental system of a particular person, the deciding power of the person begins to weaken hence making it possible for him to take massive steps of destructive acts that usually lead to them abusing other people. Yes, frustrations and unfulfilled missions or aims bring much depression on human individuals. When this depression is treated in the wrong manner, the situation becomes harder to control. Psychologists particularly note this as one of the failures of the nervous system to assist one in righteously deciding for what is supposed to be acceptably right to do when hard-to-deal with circumstances arise. The said failure gradually affects to one loosing his control over his actions. Add to the fact that there are those who take addictive substances that are directly affecting their decision-making capabilities thus making it harder for them to judge of whether what they are doing are right or not. The Personal Effects of Abuse and Violence As mentioned earlier, violence and abuse are two related terms that describe the destructive situation that most people who are less able to protect themselves experience on the hands of the oppressive sector of the human population. Hence, through the study that has been presented above, it could be noted that the results of the said incidents may either be positive or negative on the part of the individual that has been victimized by the said situation. The result becomes positive when the victims primarily learns how to defend himself the next time that the same situation occurs or in some way he or she has already learned to protect themselves from actually being involved in destructive situations based on the experience that they once had. On the contrary, the results may become negative if the victim begins to view the situation as an incident that could bring her or him to a fearful state against the systems of the human society. The state of isolation becomes and self-rejection is then added to the negative results of the said incidents. Involving the Family Amidst all the successes that the society achieves through the existence of technology and communication, it is quite disturbing how the situation of the most important sector of the society suffers so much. Family, as the basic unit of the social relationships, is the one receiving the most negative effects of technological and industrial advancements. Intimacy and attachment has been much a hard case to deal with when dealing especially with the modern married couples. The thoughts of long ago regarding the long-run relationship that marriage is supposed to be had been gradually changed by the fact that system of the society today have already changed as well. The priorities and the goals of individuals have already been exchanged with the need of being economically successful in the field of their own chosen careers. Sadly, although both men and women are aware that they were meant to share a special relationship based on love, only few are able to realize to understand the reality of the vows that they give at the brink of their wedding ceremonies. Marriage, as a â€Å"human contract† is a special bond that should be considered as a serious link between two people who are bounded by love. However, at some point, the view of marriage has been changed during the present era. Because of the social changes, marriage has been subjected to different challenges. Today, conflicts are directly bombarded towards the relationship of married couples that in turn makes the situation much harder to deal with. As a result, many among those couples simply end up in divorce. For many years, it has been a standard definition of a family to be referred to as a group of people who are related to each other and are thus bonded together by blood. The attachment within the said group goes beyond just the existence of a common blood, but it is further linked stronger through the existence of love. With the said advancements though of the society, the family is further subjected to facing several issues that concerns the strength of its ties. . Since time is lacking, the members of the family are having a hard time creating time for themselves to at least deal with each other through communication, in turn, intimacy is lost. This is specifically true with parents, or married couples. Because of the time that they devote to their jobs, they usually find it hard to balance their time to give each other attention for the sake of the development of their relationship. As a result, the love that they once have lost the love that they once had for each other because of lack of time, communication and intimacy, their relationship’s solidity begins to drift away. On the contrary though, Donna and Roger are among the couples who are able to meet the challenges of marriage amidst all the challenges both personal and familial that are presented to the society nowadays. Although there had been some rough portions of their marriage, it could be noted through the interview that they have managed to set through their differences and were able to make adjustments so as to give themselves some room to improve as individuals and as couples. It is undeniable that being married at a young age is something that is much harder to deal with that dealing with simply the challenges of marriage itself. Aside from all the financial problems, personal adjustments certainly needed to be given attention especially on the part of the interviewees. The highlights of their relationship could be noted to have nothing to do with gaining surmountable amounts of wealth but with that of being together with their family. Seeing things in a simpler manner makes it easier for young couples to see life in a much less-complicated matter of life. It is through this that they are able to give importance to the more caring to better things that wealth itself. True, they recognize that material gains add up to the happiness of the family since it gives the members a chance to enjoy the things they want without limits at least. However, this does not mean that the happiness of family members does not only rely on the influence of money at all. Instead, real family happiness relies on the fact that family members are still able to connect with each other through communication and simply by just being together amidst the busy schedules that each member of the family deals with regarding their work or school activities as well as house chores. Making sure that each member is given the attention that they need from the family is an important key to family success. A Therapeutic Approach The Family Assessment Device has been designed to measure improvements concerning the Family Therapy. In a busy and complicated world that families have to deal with these days, it is very vital every family be able to face the challenges of today’s world. Although at times, the hardships that families has to face makes it difficult for its members to keep close and intact relationship with each other. Aside from this, the results of such a complicated life leads to different emotional and physical depressions which makes it harder for every family member to comprehend to each other’s needs and be able to cope with life’s changes at the same time. This is why many families chose to undergo several family therapies to be able to solve the growing gap between their members and thus lead a better family life. The Family Assessment Device includes six major dimensions that are connected to family functioning. The said six major scopes of the said assessment device are the problem solving, communication, roles, effective responsiveness, effective involvement and behavioral control. The dimension on Problem Solving intends to measure the capability of a family to be able to face and solve certain problems that arise within the family. With the use of questionnaires having four possible responses on agreeing to the solutions suggested and disagreeing, each family is scaled depending on their answers. The other dimensions as well follow the same pattern of questionnaires. After answering the questions, each result shall be averaged, evaluated and concluded regarding the improvements of the family in the therapies they undergo. The standard results for the Family Assessment Device which concludes that the family has already improved through the family therapy is based on how well they have comprehended with the activities they undergo during the therapy. There are major ways on how to evaluate the changes in a family. One is through the statistical significance of changes observed, another is through the percentage of dropping below clinical cut-offs and finally through the magnitude of change between intake and termination. These three major evaluation processes helps the psychologists to scale the improvements that the family being observed has already incurred. Many experts have proved the reliability of tests and family assessments such as the Family Assessment Device effective. True, at times, the application of this assessment may not be that easy but the cooperation of the family under therapy programs would really help in making assessments such as this a successful program. At times, there might be some family members who would rather depend on their own understanding of the problems they are facing than referring their problems to experts. Usually, this makes the FAD application harder to apply, but as said earlier, constant assistance and assurance to the families that they are being helped and not exploited or whatsoever, the Family Assessment could be concluded to be successful. Conclusion As it could be noted through the studies and discussion presented above, the result of violence and abuse upon the victim simply depends on his or her perception of the situation that occurred. Someone who is strong and wise enough in facing life’s challenges may look at this particular experience as a lesson that would teach him to take full responsibility of the situation the next time that the same thing happens. However, a person who is actually frail in facing the surprises that life has to offer would break down upon experiencing certain devastating incidents. Yes, it is one’s development as a person and perception towards life and the challenges that it brings that would actually determine the ways by which an individual would be affected by violence or abuse. It is only through a person’s discretion that the effects of the said situations could be identified within the growth progress that that particular person would undergo. It is also upon the person’s discretion as to how he or she would actually allow the said incident to impact her personality as well as her social dealings. In the end, yes, it will all depend on the person afflicted by the situation. References: Sexual Victimization,† Child Abuse and Neglect, 18 (1994):303–318. Browne, A. , and Finkelhor, D. , â€Å"Impact of Sexual Abuse: A Review of the Research,† Psychological Bulletin, 99 (1986):66–77. Beitchman, J. H. , et al. , â€Å"A Review of the Long- Term Effects of Child Sexual Abuse,† Child Abuse and Neglect, 16 (1992):101–118. Cathy Spatz, â€Å"Child Abuse, Neglect, and Adult Behavior: Research Design and Findings on Criminality, Violence, and Child Abuse,† American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 59 (1989):355–67. Pfendler, B. A. (1997, April). Validation of the McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD) in an intensive family therapy program. Psychological Association, Washington D. C. Ridenour, T. A. , Daley, J. G. , & Reich, W. (1999). Factor Analyses of the Family Assessment Device. Family Process, 37,38. Sluttery, J. M. (1997). Predictors of Family Therapy Outcome. Unpublished data, Handout. Kabacoff, R. I. et al. (1990). A psychometric study of the McMaster Family Assessment Device in psychiatric, medical and nonclinical samples. Journal of Family Psychology.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ellen Moore: Living and Working in Korea Essay

Question 1: What are the problems in this case? 1.Elllen’s female identity made her an alienated participant in the work place in Korea, whose culture is dominantly masculine. The acceptance of her came in and took responsibility as the senior member of the project was early based on a compromise of her obtaining of required skills, however, her identity as a female was constantly reemphasized in the company’s social events. 2.Ellen and Jack were both initially appointed as the co-manager to the SI project, however, from the organizational structure perspective, the power was not equally distributed between the two participants: Jack clearly had much more commanding authority than Ellen. With Andrew involved in a distance manner and absented from daily management, and the other manager in the above hierarchy such as Mr. Park was only directly connected with Jack instead of Ellen, all of those factors had resulted in even sever power inequality. 3.The group project progress was severely delayed, and the communication efficiency is low between the U.S personal and Korean personals, In addition, Jack as a senior consultant, had deliberately made work decisions diverged from the overall objective of the project (by adding a time consuming and unnecessary market research). Plus, the skills of other Korean consultants were obviously not sufficient and the effort that Ellen tried to make on coaching the junior consultant was interpreted by Jack as personally criticizing as him lacking of leadership ability. 4.The communication with clients was limited and the information exchange was restricted. The relationship with client was not established on a mutually beneficial service provider and buyer bases, rather the clients obtained relative dominate power towards the project group by requiring the consultant conduct extra tasks beyond work scope. 5. The higher management blamed the inefficiency of team performance sole on Ellen, which Andrew considered that it was the ineffective organizational structure and inaccurate information provided by the Korean side regarding team skills that resulted in the problem. Question 2: Now that you have discussed all of the problems, pick two or three root problems and discuss why you believe they are driving the other problems. The principal problems that resulted in Ellen’s dilemma are the inequity of female and male roles; the hierarchy and power that Jack possessed to command the fellow junior consultant running the project in a diverged direction; also the hierarchy that the client posses towards the project team. As for the gender inequity aspect, it is clear that the Korean traditional has played a significant role, even though there were improvement of women social status in young generation, in the business environment, male are still dominating the workplace and the male and female are still in a superior-subordinate relation. Given that Ellen and Scott are both functioning as senior consultants for the SI project, however, Ellen was the only one getting ultimate criticism in the eyes of the higher Korean management. Moreover, the overall organization structure also demonstrates an inequity of gender where tolerance for diversity of ideas and individuals do not tend to be encouraged (In the Eye of the Beholder, cross cultural lessons in leadership from project GLOBE, Mansour Javidan, Peter W. Dorfma, etc), therefore, female opinions such as Ellen’s towards Jack’s market research proposal will be consider unacceptable as in the business setting as SI project team. Beside gender issue, the tension between Jack and Ellen also raised from the in-depth culturally sense of power and respect for hierarchy which also explaining the ineffective communication manner between the Ellen and other Korean consultants. Jack pointed as the leader of Korean team will expected a full commanding authority and loyalty from his Korean subordinates who are also intuitively perceive Jack as the leader. Ellen’s direct involvement with the Korean junior consultants was perceived by Jack as trespassing and challenging of his leadership power. Besides, regarding to the clients, the JVI had never build up a connection with the client until the surprisingly got the contract, the existence of hierarchy and non-trust between client and project team lead to the inefficiency of obtaining client information, later resulted in Jack’s misleading proposal for market research. Also, because in the concept of high power distance, decision making process is limited one-way participation and communication (In the Eye of the Beholder, cross cultural lessons in leadership from project GLOBE, Mansour Javidan, Peter W. Dorfma, etc), Jack’s own lack of experience on project management made it is possible for the project to diverge from previous direction under one person’s leadership. Question 3: What alternatives exist at this point? In Andrew’s position, what would you do? Why? Based on the development of the event, the possible scenarios are 1) The dispute is taken to the JV Committee and Ellen is expelled from the group, taking the blame of being the ineffective leader; 2) recruiting new consultants for the project who have the required qualification and skills to do the job; 3) Jack is replaced by other consultant from JVI with relative more experience in project management. 4) Ellen and Jack communicate the problem and find a way to compromise. For Andrew, under the obligation of the agreement with Korean company, if the tension between Ellen and Jack cannot be comprehend by the Korean side without the possible biases towards female leadership, then Andrew could consider to promote Scott to the position to have direct communication with Jack. Ellen stays in the project continuing contributing but with Scott as the speaking representative for SCG side. Andrew can also propose a official recognition being made from the above senior management team for Ellen to clearly state her authority towards the junior consultants, and a division of Jack and Ellen’s duty should be draw and a manifest â€Å"who to report† system made for the team. This can minimize chances of having â€Å"stepping upon each other’s territory† problem. However, regarding to the delayed process of the project, that is not a problem that can be tackled in short-term, the hierarchy that existed with the clients should be respect, but at the meantime, start to build a mutually trust long-term relationship should be recognized by the SI project team. Therefore, Andrew either has to motivate the higher management such as Mr. Cho and Mr. Song to organizing frequent social event with the client or has to start to hunt recruiting liaison personals that used to working in the competitor company and have a professional connection with the client company. Question 4: What changes would you recommended making for future global consulting project teams? 1.From management perspective, it is crucial to have a clear vision setting for the project also a detailed guidance for the task, so as to prevent the potential divergence of project direction and loaded the team with unnecessary and time consuming tasks that will yield little result. 2. On the organization structure setting, for the expatriated employees, it is necessary to have a direct supporting management that he/she can report to or exchange opinion with, and that supporting management executive should be easily accessible and aware of the in-time progress of the project. 3.Expats in the global team need to build up a connection with local employees and co-workers, and need to be perceived as a part of the group instead of an outsider. In addition, expats need to accept the way that Korean conducting business, and do not presume what should be a â€Å"more effective way† of doing business. 4.From the aspect of building relationship with clients, in a context such as South Korean, accept the hierarchical order and establishing a social connection is important. Try to avoid behaving for one’s own interest, and instead, demonstrating the relationship is mutually beneficial. 5.Even though the conflicts between the two cultures gets obvious and sever, publicly confrontation and seeking judgment is not a good approach to resolve the problem. Question 5: what is the role and importance of national culture in this context? Which value differences created problems? Culture has a profound impact on preferences for leadership styles and management systems, perception of authority, organizational fairness, interpersonal relationships, communication and expectations about organizations and co-workers, and many other organizationally relevant outcomes. (Three decades of research on national culture in the workplace: Do the differences still make a difference? Vas Taras, Pier Steel , Bradley L.Kirkman). South Korea is considered as a country with traditional Confucian values mix with western lifestyle habits. The Graph below is a comparison of U.S and South Korea culture from the common nine dimensions model that used in the GLOBE Project (In the Eye of the Beholder, cross cultural lessons in leadership from project GLOBE, Mansour Javidan, Peter W. Dorfma, etc), in general, the two cultures are illustrating variance in aspects such as uncertainty, gender, power distance, in-group and social collectivism. In the case of Ellen Moore, the differences are fully illustrated in those mentioned aspect expect for uncertainty avoidance. Especially the power distance, the Korean tradition of holding respect to authority and hierarchy internally resulted in the inefficient communication and dictated decision making, also attributed to the power distribution conflicts between two leaders of the project. Externally, given that there were no long-term business relation exist before JVI won the contact, the hierarchy of clients made the information collecting process inefficient, and even influencing the team performance by giving unreasonable requests. Question 6: How would taking a class such as this help Ellen Moore? What would you have done differently given what you know about culture? Taking an organization behavior class will help Ellen understand the root of cultural differences, the intrinsic reasons behind all the culturally distinct behaviors that appears in a global setting work place, so as to effectively resolve cultural conflicts issues or even avoid them. From the study of national cultural and the value effects on organizational behavior, global team leaders like Ellen Moore will actively develop essential attributes like global mindset, tolerance to high level of ambiguity and cultural adaptability and flexibility. It was clear that Ellen had experience in global team environment and had actively prepared for the cultural adapting process in South Korea by paying attention to mannerism, learning language and business etiquette. But in behavior level, what she did not realize in this joint venture program was that raising awareness to other culture is not enough, she needs to also tell the host country employees and co-workers about her own cultures, this exchange of understanding among management executives could dispel misunderstanding, mitigate the tension that Jack hold regarding Ellen’s power trespassing behavior. In addition, Ellen should also give a thought on how to bridge the gap between the cultures after knowing where the differences are. She should demonstrate to the employee that showing encouragement and compliment to work well done are not necessarily interpreted as weak leadership in American Culture. What is the most, opinion towards one’s professional work does not necessary linked to the personal judgment of that person, even when it is a negative comment.

Monday, July 29, 2019


HOW MIGHT DEVELOPING CULTURAL COMPETENCE IMPROVE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES - Essay Example Growing cultural diversity in UK involving both healthcare practitioners and clients has however triggered significant desirability for change towards cultural competence within the country’s healthcare system. This paper discusses how developing of cultural competence based on the Papadopoulos et al. may improve mental health care services in UK. Papadopoulos et al. (1998) provides a cultural competence model capable of facilitating effective implementation cultural competence within the UK health care system. The cultural competence model developed by Papadopoulos et al. (1998) entails five constructs including cultural awareness, knowledge on the clients’ culture, and development of cultural skills, cultural encounters and culture desire. The five constructs are perceived as central to healthcare practitioners’ ability to deliver care within patient’s cultural context. The model recognizes the role of culture in influencing patients’ way of thinking and perception about their health problems. The cultural competence model is viewed as an ongoing process that involves integration of the five cultural competence constructs to enable health practitioners achieve the ability to deliver health care services within patients’ cultural context (Campinha-Bacote 2002). The model emphasizes on the n eed for health care practitioners to appreciate cultural diversity in the process of providing care to their patients or clients. Culturally competent services emerge as essential to improve the general health care system through recognition, incorporation, practicing and valuing cultural diversity the delivery of health care services. The cultural competence model focuses on ensuring quality services for culturally diverse populations, including provision of culturally appropriate interventions. According to Lightburn and Sessions (2005), culture significantly determines whether or when an individual seeks help, the kind of help and from

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Operations Management of BP Plc (British Petroleum) Essay

Operations Management of BP Plc (British Petroleum) - Essay Example It also transforms capital into goods and services. Operational management allows firms, and companies to come up with strategies that help companies deal with new market entrants and main competitors. Each company has a distinct way of dealing with its operations (Merz & Sauber1995). Many companies come up with distinct names for their departments. BP is a multinational company which has a vibrant operational and management department. Problem definition BP has come under intense pressure due to competition from other major oil producing companies. The company needs to reinvent itself in order to maintain its profitability. BP is known to produce large amounts of oil. However, the large amounts of oil are not reflected in the amounts of revenues generated. The company is also facing the threats that range from new entrants to the established oil companies. There is need to consider the strategies that are needed to keep the company economically viable and competitive. Body BP Amoco is a leading oil industry aims at supplying petroleum products to its international marketplace. Operation administration has become an essential tool in the oil industry management techniques. Operation management makes sure these industries adhere to quality of work. BP also known as BP Amoco is located in London (Wulf 2012). It is a globally established petroleum and oil firm. The company began in 1901. The company was used in all exploration and was a source of oil for the royal navy (Business Week 2012). The company was founded by William Knox and found oil for the first time in 1908. In 1917, the UK administration became in charge of the industry, and planned to rename it to B P (Business Week 2012). BP expanded its market in the entire Europe and later merged with American Oil Company (AMOCO). BP has been using high quality operational management skills with have been the reason behind the firm’s success. BP is in service in over a hundred countries on to serve the int ernational market. BP focuses on drilling and discovering oil around the world (Scarborough & Spatarella1998).BP is paying attention to quality products. BP is setting achieve goals with a clear timeline. The company is closing down branches are considered to have declining revenues. Attention is paid to products which are consumer friendly. This has caused BP to rebrand and the initial step to create incentives to employees and to attract customers. BP is measuring quality and productivity through amount generated per barrel. The company explores unfinished lubricants, natural gas, refinement, distillation, selling, and delivery, along with manufacturing petroleum products (The Economist 2011). The company

Barnes and Noble Company and Amazon.com Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Barnes and Noble Company and Amazon.com - Essay Example The company branched out to sell E-books. Jeff Bezos persuaded its current and future customers to benefit from the time-saving and travel money-saving benefits of online shopping for Amazon.com products. Management Styles. Both companies implement effective management styles. The Barnes and Noble Company focuses on the consultative management style. The style includes taking into consideration all positive and unfavorable feedbacks and inputs. The inputs include the feedback from the parties. On the other hand, Amazon uses persuasive management style. Management uses persuasion to convince its current and future employees eagerly implement company policies, increasing customer service quality. Product Launch and handling of products and services. Both companies have different product launch versions. The Barnes and Noble Company offers several products in different genres. The products are sold over 800 United States stores. On the other hand, Amazon’s product launch is focus ed on website selling. The company opens its www.amazon.com website to initially sell physical books and other related products. Marketing products and services. Both companies use different marketing strategies. The Barnes and Noble Company sells various products and services in over 800 stores in the 50 states and its website. On the other Amazon.com only uses online selling. The company opens its www.amazon.com website to initially sell physical books and other related products. ... The Amazon.com’s financial statistics show that its revenues better than Barnes and Noble Company’s revenues. Amazon.com’s net income is better than the dismal net loss of Barnes and Noble Company. The sales figure prods investors to funnel their investment in Amazon.com. With more Amazon.com customers, the investors must choose Amazon.com as their investment destination. Amazon’s better implementation of the marketing aspects contributed to its being a market segment standout. Amazon.com sells quality products at reasonable prices. The company promotes its products at the easiest place to buy, the internet. Statistical Comparison                                     Barnes &             Amazon    Noble       Year    2011    2011       Sales $ 57.26 billion $ 7.16 billion       Net Income (net loss) $ 40 million $ (69.44 million)       Market Share    26%    3%       Employees    56,000.00    35,283.00       Stores    1 online    800+       Equipment    No printing Press    Printing Press                         CONCLUSION. It is very clear that Amazon.com’s financial and business performance is higher than Barnes and Noble Company’s business performance. Unquestionably, investors must pick Amazon.com as the better investment destination. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: The following shows the financial analysis of the two competing companies. The two companies are Banes and Noble Company and Amazon.com. Background information. Barnes & Noble. The Barnes and Noble Company generates a profitable background information. Charles Barnes and Clifford Noble, separate bookstore sellers decided to joined hands during the 1800s. The company

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Causal Arument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Causal Arument - Essay Example Some states legally allowed the use of marijuana for some diseases for which the doctors prescribed it as a medicine whereas some other states are still not allowing even the patients to use or keep marijuana under their possession. However, according to medical experts, marijuana use should not be encouraged because of the side effects it can generate later in the user’s life. â€Å"To date, marijuana is still classified as an illegal Schedule 1 drug by the Controlled Substances Act. It is defined as having "no accepted medical use in treatment in the United States" (Roth). American Federal courts are still convinced about the usefulness of marijuana. For them, marijuana is still an addictive and dangerous substance which can damage a person physically and psychologically. Spice, a herbal smoking mixture, is sold on the internet and in some shops in America labeled as legal and nicotine-free smoke. Many people in America are using Spice at present as a substitute to Marijuan a. However, scientific studies shown that Spice is also harmful to human health. Professor Leslie Iversen, chairman of the technical committee of the Advisory Council, said: â€Å"It is a very clever product, sold as a herbal smoking mixture from China, but containing chemicals which can be a lot more potent than cannabis† (Ford). This paper analyses the Spice as legal alternative to marijuana. Cannabis has been used for relaxation and meditation purposes for many thousands of years, and studies carried out today tell us the number of users is rising. Young people especially seem to be attracted to experimenting with mind-altering drugs, such as cannabis, and this can result in abuse, addiction, mental health problems, and prosecution. While cannabis itself is not physically addictive it can be dangerous for those with mental health issues and is often supplied by dealers who also have access to harder, highly addictive drugs (Casundara) â€Å"Herbs or blends of herbs that o ne can smoke as alternatives to marijuana or tobacco- The term marijuana alternatives mean just that. It does not mean we are offering legal marijuana or a marijuana substitute† (Legal Alternatives To Marijuana And Tobacco). Many people who are using Spice like alternate products instead of Marijuana have feeling that these products are less harmful than marijuana and it is legal to use these products in America. In fact Spice like substitute products for marijuana has not been prohibited in America yet and hence no criminal cases can be charged against such users. However, it doesn’t mean that these substitute products are less harmful or superior to marijuana. The only advantage of using spice like alternate product is that the user can escape from any kind of legal formalities in using it. According to a shop owner, â€Å"the demand for spice has doubled each month, and its sales now represent a third of his revenue. On some Fridays, his two District stores can brin g in $10,000 from the sale of spice alone†(Savage). The growing popularity of Spice over marijuana can be attributed mainly to the fewer barriers in getting it in America. No drug screening tests can detect Spice which made it one of the favorite substitutes for marijuana. Many of the Spice users believe that it is less harmful. However, â€Å"Nationwide, the American Association of Poison Control Centers logged 567 cases across 41 states in which people had suffered a bad reaction to spice during the first half of 2010. Just 13 cases were reported in 2009†

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Brand Identity Worksheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Brand Identity Worksheet - Essay Example Excellence in craftsmanship Durability Difference in design from other brands Relevant with changing trends Excellence, Perfection and Exclusivity (Rolex.com, 2012,p3) Luxury Items and Luxury watches Pioneers of perpetual self winding springs, pioneers of the oyster shell waterproof technology, the first company to be Kew ‘A’ certified. (Rolex.com, 2012,p3)They are masters of perfection in watch works. Perfection, durability, accuracy, precision, world class customer support, prestige and recognition. (Rolex.com, 2012,p3) Class, Social status, Jazzy style statement, Affluent life style, brand-conscious The brand uses authoritative language in that they are the masters of perfection and the first in the business to make wrist watches that achieved impeccable perfection Be specific The text is in white against a green background with a crown in golden colour. Visual style is old-school, aristocratic and symbolic of something which is an antique. Visual style is monarchic, commanding, clear and distinct A crown for every achievement Eric Clapton, Vijay Amritraj - the ambassadors for Rolex.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Understand the functional nature of the Christian Faith rooted in Research Paper

Understand the functional nature of the Christian Faith rooted in human nature,the cosmos, Christian revelation,and Jesus - Research Paper Example Within the structure of the human life, we can distinguish the inner and outer heart and functions. Therefore, faith is considered as the highest function in human existence. This on one hand implies that believing is the only function, and on the other hand it the most important of all functions. When believing is only functional, it implies that faith is not identical with the heart, but it is determined by the heart in its direction toward good or evil. In short, the whole man is religious and his life is a walk before the face of God in obedience or disobedience (Albi). Since the nature of the Christian faith is functional, it is subject to functional law. In this respect, it is identical to all other functions. Furthermore, faith has an analytical function whose nature is to analyze and distinguish. Distinguishing simply entails noting diversity existing independently with respect to its distinguishing activity. Therefore, the analytical is able to note the distinctness of law and function not only in other law spheres but also in the case of analytical itself (Albi). Faith is a fundamental pillar in Christianity since in its absence, spirituality cannot exist, and hope is doomed to crumble. Also, it is the fundamental principle of the religion of Christ. Many people who consider themselves Christians don’t really understand what faith is. However, the Christian faith is grounded and if the foundation is faulty, then it unlikely that structures built upon it will be strong (Boice). According to the Christian faith, the cosmos and all its components were created by God. The ancient Jewish communities believed that the cosmos consisted a flat shaped disc planet that floated on water. According to them, the world was made up of the underworld and the heavens. However, the Jews later adopted the idea that the underworld was a place where

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Power integrations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Power integrations - Research Paper Example Identify and discuss the marketing and distribution channels used to communicate and deliver value to their business customers 8 8.What is the industrial network developed by the company to support their business customers? 9 Part 4 9 9.Describe the marketing strategy used by the suppliers to reach the different segment of customers 9 10.How does the company segment their business customers and create value for each segment? 10 11.Describe each segment and the relevant relationship type and communication activities for each segment. 10 Part 5 11 12.Describe the types of relationships that can be developed with business customers and identify the key communication strategies that are relevant to each relationship approach 11 13.Describe the sales management approach used by the company to build relationship 12 14.Analyse the channel and sales management the company uses to deliver services and value 12 Part 6 13 15.How business customer does perceive cost, benefits and price in evalua ting a product/services offer from a supplier? 13 Part 7 14 17.Discuss how the company uses the business marketing mix to create a competitive advantage and deliver value 14 Reference 16 Part 1 1. Analyze the buying process used by different segments of business customers. ... mpanies accounted for more than 62% of the global power supply revenues, while the captive manufacturers accounted for the remaining 38% of the revenue of the company. While the total number of manufacturers of power supplies exceeded 1000, there were only 30 power supply companies whose yearly revenues exceeded $100 million, while another three quarters yielded less than $5 million of revenue every year. The manufacturer sales of the AC/DC converter power supplies accounted for a total of $11.2 billion in the year 2001. The yearly shipment of new internal and external AC/DC power supplies totalled around 1 billion units in the same year. The custom power supplies were designed for specific applications and the standard power supplies were designed for meeting multiple applications. 2. Discuss the key factors that will affect the buying process and decisions for a business customer One of the important characteristic of business customers is the buying process and the decision making process. The organisational buying decision or the behaviour is often termed as the â€Å"decision making process† through which formal organisation tends to establish the required needs for the required products as well as services and in addition identify and evaluate and finally choose from the desired brand and suppliers. Thus two key factors of buying behaviour include the actors of exchange and the nature of exchange. The actors are the formal organisations and as a result the buying process is very complex. The number of members in the buying decision centre often varies and the role of the manger shift which depends on the buying decision and various stages of the buying decisions. Secondly the exchange volume and power in the B2B exchange differs from the individual buying decision

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Gotham City the residents reported that the street prostitution Assignment

Gotham City the residents reported that the street prostitution Discussion - Assignment Example the offender, suppression of any opportunity that the offender may have and hardening the situation making it difficult for the offender to do crime(Ikerd, 2010). The scenario provide us with an opportunity to probe some questions; why are the people of Gotham city not bothered with prostitution in the area? Why do the residences indulge in prostitution? What are the factors that make prostitution easy? After answering the questions, clear and well planned method can be employed in curbing the act. Some specific methods like; using informants, sweep of the area, saturation patrol, profile interview, operation indent and installing visible cameras can help in curbing the act. These are secondary methods, and the primary method is the best. It involves gathering intelligence unto why the community members indulge in the practice, then that the primary drive is handled. The local business people should be kept in mind while handling this matter, because some may argue that prostitution is what is making them have customers, and perhaps that is the reason people of Gotham are not concerned with prostitution. In conclusion there must be professional analysis to help in managing crime without infringing with anyone’s

Monday, July 22, 2019

The darkness of mans heart Essay Example for Free

The darkness of mans heart Essay The question I have chosen to do this essay on is to discuss the way the novel is described; it is described as exploring the darkness of mans heart. The novel is set in the not too distant future where war is waging between nuclear powers in the world. Because of these circumstances a large number children have been evacuated from their homes but before they reach their destination their plane is shot down and the survivors land on a tropical almost paradise like island, unspoiled by man. This island is a microcosm representing the world. On the island the survivors all meet together and create a chief Ralph. Things soon go wrong due to members of the original group creating trouble and they decide to form their own tribe with a new chief Jack. I am going to look at how the events on the island have created an idea that the novel is exploring the darkness of mans heart. There are many areas within the novel which give evidence to support the view that the main theme is about the darkness of mans heart.. The first part of the novel is a very important part as it sets the scene of how these boys have such beautiful surroundings and how they are keen to think of ways to be rescued and just the pleasures of day to day life they enjoy. During the opening stages you can sense that the boys still have a strong memory of law and order and how to conduct themselves. One thing that shows this is when Roger an almost non existent character with little dialogue throws stones at a small child, not to hit him as he is circled with the taboo of old life Another time when we are shown the way the children have been restricted in their basic instincts due to the fact that they have been subjected to societys rigid rules, is when they go on their first hunting expedition. Jack could not bring himself to kill the pig because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh; because of the unbearable blood. All these games are all right to begin with but the darkness of mans heart ie the evil which many are capable of but lies hidden, needs to be controlled or else it will flourish. This shows us how we need to have rules in society or else anarchy and savagery will reign. The way in which the children remember the rules and power of the old life is  through the conch. The conch is just a shell to you and me but through it they see power and authority as whoever holds the conch has the right to speak. The conch represents in our own world today the mace in the House of Commons; this mace has the greatest of importance, as without its presence the House of Commons cannot begin. The conch I think holds them all together for a while, but its when they try to bend its rules by suggesting to remove its power in different areas of the island and eventually destroy it along with Piggy. Then I believe the darkness of mans heart becomes clearer as the conch symbolises law/order and authority. Another important part of the novel is when the beast takes on a physical persona. The beast we learn at the start is non-existent and only an empty shell that the younger children and some of the elders talk about. But it is when Ralph appeals to the adult world for help, if only they could send us something grown-up a sign or something, then from the sky a dead airmen falls from the sky. The sign the adult world gives them is one of death and destruction and we soon realise that it is not a beastie they are afraid of it is themselves, its mans own nature. This is confirmed by Simon later what I mean is maybe its only us, he is the only one to make the connection and he pays dearly for trying to communicate it to others. The deterioration in the boys sense of moralitys through the novel are ever so clear. And when we reach towards the end of the novel we see how that has happened, through the lack of authority and law. The boys have now become savages, they have gone through a massive transformation because of their surroundings and their ability to destroy and kill, and this is shown through the scar made in the island. It does this by showing mans destructive powers he is capable of. There are many things each of the characters symbolise at the end of the novel, Roger is evil a Satan like creature who has no conscious, Jack is savagery and anarchy, the beast is the inner evil in everyone (darkness of mans heart). The whole novel is symbolic in nature except the rescue in the end where adult life appears, dignified and capable, but in reality enmeshed in the same evil as the symbolic life of the children on the island. The officer  having interrupted a manhunt, prepares to take the children off the island in a cruiser, which will presently hunting its enemy in the same way. And I believe the cruiser is very important as it makes you think who will rescue the adult and his cruiser. This novel message about the darkness of mans heart means that society holds everyone together, and without these conditions, our ideals, values and basic choices of rights or wrong are lost. Without societys rigid rules anarchy and savagery can and will come to light. This novel is valuable not that it tells us of the darkness of mans heart, its valuable as it shows it by allowing us to enter into the island.

Community Health Promotion Tool Essay Example for Free

Community Health Promotion Tool Essay Kimberly Thomas: Good Evening, I am Kimberly Thomas. I’m interviewing Hypertension what is a disorder that affects cardiovascular system. Let’s talk about the population and treatment for hypertension. There are a lot of medications for hypertension. What is hypertension? Where do you start for treatment? Hypertension: Hypertension is high blood pressure. Well, there are several medication treatments for hypertension. Most doctor start patients with hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), which is a diuretic. Diuretics are basically known as a water pill, which helps remove excess sodium and water from the body. Second most common medicine for hypertension is beta blockers. Beta blockers help the heart to beat a slower pace with less force. Again, there are several other medication treatments for hypertension, and your primary care physicians will discuss what options are best for you. Kimberly Thomas: Ok, thank you. Who are at risk of hypertension? Hypertension: There are some cultures that are more at risk than others. However, certain conditions and habits can put anyone at risk for high blood pressure. According to Hypertension (n.d.), â€Å"Its more common in African American adults than in Caucasian or Hispanic American adults.† African Americans tend to get high blood pressure early in life. Also, Puerto Rican adults have higher rates of hypertension than any other Hispanic group. Kimberly Thomas: Why do you think African Americans and Puerto Ricans are more at risk than any other culture? Hypertension: There are several factors why these two cultures are more at risk than other cultures. According to Hypertension (n.d.), â€Å"The main factor is the choice of food both cultures eat. Both cultures diet include too much salt.† Kimberly Thomas: Heredity is a factor correct? Can the individual manage some of the risk factors? Hypertension: Yes to both of your questions. There are a few things you can do to manage your high blood pressure. If you’re overweight, it’s highly recommend that you start exercising. Eat healthy food low in saturated fat, Trans fat, cholesterol and salt. Limit your alcohol intake, and stop smoking. Always, take medicine the way your doctor tells you. Kimberly Thomas: I absolutely agree with that. Kimberly Thomas: What about impact it has on cost? Hypertension: According to Hypertension (n.d.), â€Å"In 2010, high blood pressure was projected to cost the United States $93.5 billion in health care services, medications, and missed days of work.† Kimberly Thomas: How does hypertension impact the society? Hypertension: The number 1 cause of death in the United States throughout most of the 20th century. Unfortunately, whether the hypertension is treated or untreated, only 34% of Americans with hypertension have their blood pressure controlled to 140/90. An estimated 30 to 35 million Americans have uncontrolled hypertension, and are therefore at unduly increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Kimberly Thomas: I completely agree with you. I think the number one problem we still have today is that there are many people out there who are not being adequately treated. People who are denial of their problem, is unfortunate because there is help for them. Kimberly Thomas: Well, that’s all for today and Thank you for your time. References: Hypertension. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/hypertension/faqs.htm http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/basics/definition/con-20019580

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The three stages of Change Management

The three stages of Change Management We live in the age of change. The implication of this statement, is not that changes only happen in our time, but, is that changes in the recent few decades have been comparatively more frequent and exert relatively major influences on every aspect of human life. In fact, changes command so much attention that, in recent years, the spotlight has been on how to manage change: Change Management. Change management, according to definition from BNET Business Dictionary (n.d.) is the coordination of a structured period of transition from situation A to situation B in order to achieve lasting change within an organization. Change management in the organizational context is the study of change, how to exercise change, how to cope with change and the necessity of change to ensure sustainability. Management of change is a complex subject of study; attention has to be paid in regards to the continuity of change, i.e. there are 2 types of change namely incremental change (minor change, adaptation, modification) and discontinuous change (revolutionary change, transformational change). Organizations experience consistent cycles of change in which periods of incremental change are punctuated by intervals of discontinuous change (Nadler and Tushman 1995, cited in Hayes 2002, p. 5). This cycle is referred to as punctuated equilibrium by Romanelli and Tushman in 1994 (cited in Hayes 2002, p. 5). Academics and scholars have, throughout time, developed various theories on change management. One of the famous thinker in the field of change management, Lewin (1951, cited in Campbell and Craig 2008, p. 512) introduced the force-field model which describes the state of change in an organization as the equilibrium between the force that push for change and the restraining force that struggles to keep the status quo unchanged. Additionally, Kotter (1995, cited in Huczynski and Buchanan 2007, p. 604) proposes 8 steps to organizational transformation: Establish a sense of urgency Form a guiding coalition Create a vision Communicate the vision Empower people to act on the vision Create short-term wins Consolidate improvements to produce further change Institutionalize new approaches Kurt Lewin in 1951 (cited in Kinicki and Kreitner 2008, p. 402) also introduced a 3-stage model for change. What are the 3 stages? Unfreezing: In a nutshell it means that to change, an organization first need to have the desire for change. Organization needs to be unhappy with the old behaviour. Changing: Moving to the desired state of change. Refreezing: Stabilize and normalize the changed state. Mentioned above are few of the theories that students studying Organizational Behaviour will find familiar. Kurt Lewins models for change remain largely applicable even in the 21st century as successful change always depends on striking a balance between change implementation and managing resistance to change. Besides, the 3-stage model correctly illustrated the process of change; the difference now being the increasing speed of the change cycle as organizational environment becomes more volatile. In my humble opinion however, Kotters 8-step model is an over-simplified interpretation of the process of change. The fundamental assumption that change happens in logical sequence and that managers are all rational beings are in themselves impractical as changes often involve unpredictable irregularities and managers do not always follow the book. Realistically, decisions made by managers are seldom rational. When organizations try to put into action change plans, it is almost always certain that the effort will be met with resistance. Resistance to change comes in one form or another. To borrow the words of Fronda and Moriceau (2008), there are 3 forms of resistance: revolt, withdrawal (alienation from work) and discreet resistance (low morale, low productivity and high absenteeism). On resistance towards change, we started off with a rather negative perception in the last paragraph. However, this is not necessarily so, resistance is detrimental only when it is not delicately handled, downplayed or ignored. Waddell and Sohal (1998) in their journal article titled Resistance: a constructive tool for change management states that resistance to change shows that it is nonsensical to assume right away that all change is beneficial; that it is human nature to doubt the outcome of change. Furthermore they argued that resistance to change ensures a balance between organizations desire for change and its practical need of stability and constancy (Waddell and Sohal 1998). The crucial question remained: How can management adopt the right strategy so as to be successful in change initiation? Many people have this huge misconception about the existence of the mythical best strategy for change. In my opinion, it is downright absurd to conclude that there is one best strategy to be used for all change initiatives; each organization is affected by its distinct external and internal factors when implementing change. After a routine of extensive reading, I found the contingency approach to change advocated by Dunphy and Stace (2001, cited in Huczynski and Buchanan, p. 603) most viable. The Dunphy-Stace contingency approach to change implementation The table content outlines the different strategies that managers can employ under different circumstances to implementing changes. Participative change management, despite being touted by a number of academics in the field of change management as the best solutions to change, does not always work. This is because participation and involvement in change process, from formulation to implementation, is extremely time-consuming, even more so when consensus fails to be reached. Thus when organizations are put under situations where the need for change is so critical that it is change or die, managers will be better off exercising decisiveness and dictatorial decision-making. Ideally, however, it is always best to involve employees in planning and carrying out change to minimize resistance and ensure cooperation. My view is echoed in the journal article by Stanleigh (2008) titled Effecting successful change management initiatives, in which he states 6 reasons why change initiatives fail: Not engaging all employees Managing change only at the executive level Telling people they have to change, were in a crisis Sending staffs on a change program and expecting change to occur Not honouring the past Not giving time for staffs to vent first and then change Not to be forgotten is the role of constructive conversation. Efforts to bring about change often fail because the change agent failed to listen. Jabri, Adrian and Boje (2008) in their article comment on change agents: [c]hange agents want to change the organization; indeed, they have been trained to change it. Change agents may even know what the organization needs. Many change agents have been trained to think about how to communicate the change in ways that people will accept it. That training reflects a caring for the audience, even as it limits the audiences participation. The audience is mere spectator to the change, rather than witness to it. In order to change successfully, an effective, two-way communication between managers and employees must be in place. Managers must learn to listen to the voices of the employees because the employees possess hands-on knowledge which might not be readily available to someone in managerial position. Conversation enables the contribution of every employee to be fully appreciated and integrated into the grand plan of change. Summing up my argument in the previous paragraphs, to be able to adopt a clearly defined strategy for the successful initiation of change, management needs to evaluate current situation, the necessity for change, and the urgency for the change. Management then needs to decide on a suitable approach based on the model proposed by Dexter Dunphy and Doug Stace (2001). Whenever possible, managers should maximize stakeholders participation in the change process. Moreover, from planning to implementation of change, managers should never overlook the importance of conversation. The management as the change agent needs to learn to listen. Throughout history we can see a large number of organizations that have made attempts to change. Some of these organizations succeeded; some, unfortunately, failed. By adopting the right strategies, we observe that organizations can manage their change successfully. One recent example is the effort by Dell Inc. to reduce the power consumption of its approximately 50000 computers during non-operational hours. In light of the increasing cost of energy, or more specifically, electricity, Dell Inc. has decided to put into action an overhaul of its power management. To formulate a company-wide power management plan, Jay Taylor, the senior engineer global strategist at Dell, brought together several departments at Dell, including product, facilities management, CTO and IT groups. These stakeholders all contributed their expertise in their respective fields to assist in the planning. By coordinating the skills of its employees in different fields, and pairing this effort with the latest tec hnology, Dell managed to come up with a very efficient power management plan which resulted in 40% reduction in computer-related energy cost, translating to US$ 1.8 million savings annually. The inspiring part of the whole initiative is that Dell managed to implement the power management plan and achieve cost-saving without hampering its day-to-day operation, thanks to its skillful handling of available expertise and effective co-ordinations between stakeholders from different fields. As a conclusion, change management plays an essential role in ensuring organizations survival. To achieve competitive advantage and sustainability in this turbulent period of economy, organization needs to be able to adapt to the external environment rapidly and routinely by constantly learning. It is therefore imperative for leaders and managers alike to have a thorough understanding of the nature, theories and practice of change management.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

J.L. Mackies Evil and Omnipotence Essay -- Philosophy Philosophical E

J.L. Mackie's "Evil and Omnipotence" The philosopher J.L. Mackie wrote a very convincing piece on the problem of evil called â€Å"Evil and Omnipotence,† in which he attempts to show that one of the following premises must be false in order for them to be consistent with each other. #1. God is omnipotent. #2. God is morally perfect. #3. Evil exists. The problem of evil is a deductive a priori argument who’s goal is to prove the non-existence of God. In addition to Mackie’s three main premises he also introduces some â€Å"quasi-logical† rules that give further evidence to his argument. First he presumes that a good thing will eliminate evil to the extent that it can and second, that omnipotence has no limits. From these two â€Å"additional premises,† it can be concluded that a completely good and omnipotent being will eliminate all possible evil. After establishing these added premises Mackie continues with his piece to list and negate several theistic responses to the argument. A common objection to the problem of evil is to claim that good and evil are both necessary for each other to exist. They must be looked at as counterparts. Another way of putting it is that without experiencing evil, we couldn’t possibly recognize or know what is good. Evil must exist in order for good to exist in the same way that the concept of up must exist if there we are to conceive of down. Mackie denies that this is true however. He explains that good and evil cannot be logical opposites like up and down (or great and small) because up and down are not qualities. It wouldn’t make sense to favor up over down or vice versa as one could do with good and evil. Also, even if it were true that evil is necessary for us to conceive of good, we would only need a very small amount. And it wouldn’t seem right to say that very little evil exists in the world. A second and stronger objection to Mackie’s version of the problem of evil is explained to us using the terms 1st and 2nd order goods and evils. 1st order goods/evils are purely physical. Examples are pleasure and pain, happiness and misery. It is claimed by many theists that 1st order evils such as pain and suffering are necessary for 2nd order goods like courage and charity. However there exists what Mackie calls a â€Å"fatal objection† to this claim and that is that along with 2nd order goods there must also exist 2nd order evil... ...Contingency Argument that whether a contingent series of causes is infinite or not, that fact is now irrelevant because as long as the series as a whole is thought to be contingent the existence of God can still be proven. So the Contingency Argument looks something like this. #1. The universe as a whole is a contingent being. #2. The Principle of Sufficient Reason is true. #3. The existence of a contingent being must be explained by something other than itself. #4. There must be an external, necessary being. (God.) The obvious problem with the Contingency Argument is that we do not know whether or not PSR is true. It has been suggested by some philosophers that the existence of the universe is merely a â€Å"brute fact,† or that it is possible for the existence of something to be explained by nothing. Also one can easily reject the first premise due to the fallacy of composition. Just because all the parts of something exhibit a certain quality doesn’t mean that the whole of something exhibits that same quality. So although the Contingency Argument seems stronger than the Causal Argument, it still fails to prove anything because some of the premises can be rationally denied.

My First Experience With a Computer :: Personal Narrative Papers

My First Experience With a Computer I cannot forget how excited I was when I first bought my own computer. Like a mother who spends time sewing and knitting for her newborn baby, I spent hours and hours to sparkle my computer. I waited a long time to buy a brand new computer. I had to work more hours and saved money to buy a computer. I did not want to buy a cheap computer, but I wanted to buy a professional one. Was I professional on computer? No! I was not. I did not even know how to type, but I was sure that my expensive com puter could make me a computer expert. 17 inches monitor, color printer, two speakers and well-designed fancy keyboard made me just happy by looking at them on my desk. What I knew about my computer was how to turn on and off by pressing the big button at the bottom of my computer. I turned on the computer and had no idea what to do next, but I was still happy. I just clicked on everything and did not know how t o go back to the previous screen. Whenever I had problems with my computer, I just turned off the computer. It was pretty simple to clear my computer problems by pressing the power switch. The power switch was a problem solver. Realizing an expensive computer could not make me a computer genius did not take a long time. Whenever my computer was on, I started to have a headache because I did not know what I was doing. When I tried new things on my computer, it always st opped me with warning signs. I could not understand what my computer wanted me to do. My computer really needed to have serious counseling sessions. When I was at home alone, I disciplined my computer. "Hey! You computer listen. I do not think you know who you are. I am the one who tells you what to do. I am a commander, and y ou are my servant. If I tell you to draw a picture, you need to draw me a picture. Do you understand? How dare you to show me stop sign! Please do not tell me what to do. Who is the commander here? You just follow what I tell you to do." Sitting in front of my computer was painful for me. My First Experience With a Computer :: Personal Narrative Papers My First Experience With a Computer I cannot forget how excited I was when I first bought my own computer. Like a mother who spends time sewing and knitting for her newborn baby, I spent hours and hours to sparkle my computer. I waited a long time to buy a brand new computer. I had to work more hours and saved money to buy a computer. I did not want to buy a cheap computer, but I wanted to buy a professional one. Was I professional on computer? No! I was not. I did not even know how to type, but I was sure that my expensive com puter could make me a computer expert. 17 inches monitor, color printer, two speakers and well-designed fancy keyboard made me just happy by looking at them on my desk. What I knew about my computer was how to turn on and off by pressing the big button at the bottom of my computer. I turned on the computer and had no idea what to do next, but I was still happy. I just clicked on everything and did not know how t o go back to the previous screen. Whenever I had problems with my computer, I just turned off the computer. It was pretty simple to clear my computer problems by pressing the power switch. The power switch was a problem solver. Realizing an expensive computer could not make me a computer genius did not take a long time. Whenever my computer was on, I started to have a headache because I did not know what I was doing. When I tried new things on my computer, it always st opped me with warning signs. I could not understand what my computer wanted me to do. My computer really needed to have serious counseling sessions. When I was at home alone, I disciplined my computer. "Hey! You computer listen. I do not think you know who you are. I am the one who tells you what to do. I am a commander, and y ou are my servant. If I tell you to draw a picture, you need to draw me a picture. Do you understand? How dare you to show me stop sign! Please do not tell me what to do. Who is the commander here? You just follow what I tell you to do." Sitting in front of my computer was painful for me.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Assassin :: Papers

The Assassin Description: He was a tall man, very slim with a small egg shaped head. His teeth were a brilliant white and his eyes were a bright blue, they were like hawk eyes, quick and twitchy. His hair was dark brown and was combed through very neatly with a small quiff. His habits were very strange one of them were eating pistachio nuts when he was nervous another was when he was bored he would look for animals such as snakes, deer and fox's and to shoot them out of pure boredom. The woman's house was a very tall house with quite a few windows the walls were a greyish colour and there were fences running all along the side of the house. It was about 4pm on November the 11th when a car pulled up at the house; the house was a very lonely house although big it was quite a way away from the town. All of a sudden the car door opened and a man dressed in black stepped out from it, the car started to pull away the man just stood there then he looked left then right then at the house until finally he stared to run. He ran towards the woods that surrounded the house, he ran quite far in until he came to the back fence of the house. He stopped and looked around once more then he ducked down and pulled off a bag he had been carrying on his back. From the bag he pulled out a pair of pliers, as he did this a large Jaguar pulled up on to the stone drive of the house. A man dressed in a smart black suit stepped out of the driver's side of the car he walked round to the back door of the car and opened it, a young woman stepped out, she was tall, very slim, and had long blonde hair, the man closed the door they then both made their way towards the house, the man opened the front door to the house and they both stepped inside.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Disneyland Resort Paris

Disneyland Resort Paris: a development after understanding local cultures The case Disneyland Resort Paris: Mickey Goes to Europe introduced readers to the development of Disneyland Paris during fifteen years. Even though Disneyland Paris had a terrible start in 1994, it had a great improvement and bright future in 2007. The reason for its failure and success is the same: culture. Forgetting to respect local culture caused Disneyland to lose market and revenue in Paris, while adjusting its operations with culture issues put Disneyland Paris in a successful position. The success of Disneyland in AmericaAs a cartoon company which was founded in 1923, Walt Disney Company started its business in America. During the period to develop its business to Americans, Disney created its core values such as innovation, fun and magic. Disney movies which evoked these values are welcomed by audiences and make the company the world leader in animation (Martha, 2011). For the same reason, Disneyland t heme park, a resort to make â€Å"magic† real and tangible, also had big success in America. The universal strategy of Disney Company is to use Disneyland resorts to connect the real world and the magic world.First, the company shows audiences a wonderful and magic world in its animated movie. Second, with the popularity of the movie, the animated world reappears in Disneyland resorts by those famous characters and sidewalks (Martha, 2011). All these factors can provide guests with comfortable experiences of magic and fun that helping them to forget worries in the real life. To adopt above strategy in operation, Disney cares about both the internal and external management. For internal management, Disney offers its employees excellent treatments which create a high employee loyalty to the company.For the external management, Disneyland cares about details in its management and confirms that it transfers core values to its customers through quality services. In this way, Disne y received high customer satisfaction and won great success in America. Both the core values and operation strategy are universal about Disney. Factors such as fun, magic and innovation can capture positive emotions of human beings and make them be touched. Then Disney uses its high quality services to transfer these emotions to guests in the theme park and drive them to become loyal customers.This is the reason Disneyland did great job in California and Tokyo. However, Disney faced failures in Paris at the beginning of the resort opening. The Reason of Failure in Paris The reason of failure in Paris is forgetting to consider the effects of culture different. Disney is not an aggressive company that explores new market blindly. It aware the risk of operating a theme park out of America and thinks carefully about how to spend money and transfer core values to guests in Tokyo. Tokyo Disneyland is the most profitable Disneyland in the world.The park in Tokyo completely copied the busin ess model of the American one. However, due to the success case in Tokyo, the company forgot to consider about cultural differences and lost its market in Europe. What the company states is the strategy works in Tokyo will also works in Europe. However, Disney forgot to consider two kinds of culture differences, the difference between culture in Europe and Japan and the difference between culture in America and Europe. The former difference means even though America model worked in Japan, the same model may not success in Europe.For example, customers in Japan like their park have â€Å"the real thing† (Martha, 2011) not means customer in Europe will also welcome it. For the similar reason, a mode works well in America may not also works well in Europe. For example, the wine issue put Disneyland in Paris in a negative position and brought it infamous effects. An Effective Improvement to Make the Resort to Survive in Europe Disneyland in Paris had five approaches to improve it s business: * Change the name of the park from â€Å"Euro Disney† to â€Å"Disneyland Paris†.This approach weakened the image of park in Europe and strengthened the image of a theme park in Paris . As a result, the effects of culture differences will have lower power to stop guests feel Disney’s core value. * Reduce cost to increase net income under a condition of lower revenue of Disneyland Paris. The culture in Europe restricts the ability of Disney to absorb money form customers. Since it’s hard to change the culture in Europe, a better choice is to adjust financial approach to reduce the lose caused by culture. Redesign services to attract more customers. Disney studio park and Val d’ Europe are two examples of services which capture more customers. The former one tries its best to include European elements in it. The approach provides guests something they were familiar with and attract more tourist to visit the Disneyland park. The latter one created a center to draw customers’ attention and affected their travelling preferences. Both of these two buildings were near Disneyland Paris and work as a transportation to connect the European culture and â€Å"Disney culture†.Buildings with familiar elements will make guests feel comfortable and reduce their unfriendly feelings to Disneyland Park. Therefore the park will get a chance to cross the cultural boundary and bring its customers excellent experiences. * Improve services to bring visitors back. In addition to existing services, Disneyland is doing kinds of improvements to satisfy customers and making them find new attractions in the park. This approach will increase the customer loyalty and get them back to the park. In my opinion, Disneyland Paris did right process to resolve its crisis.At one side, Disney didn’t give up its core values. At the other side, the park improved its operation and management to create an environment which can comfort Eu ropean visitors and expend businesses. Disneyland Paris indentified its main problem, cultural blunder, clearly and reacted to it quickly. Take the Walt Disney studios park as an example, this approach adopted the MBI model perfectly. * Mapping: Notice the culture differences between America and Europe. * Bridge: In â€Å"prepare stage†, Disneyland Paris already understood its customers and plan to use the studio to make it understood by customers.In â€Å"decenter stage†, Disney Company evolved European elements in its products since the empathy made it to offer customers services they like. In â€Å"recenter stage†, an example of inviting European designer to design stunt show expresses its high emotion of establish a common reality (Martha, 2011). * Integrate: the opinion of Peter McGrath (Martha, 2011) illustrates the studio park has high awareness of handle cultural differences and face new cultural challenges. Disneyland Paris also adopted MBI model to its other services and the park generated customer loyalty successfully.The company reprogrammed and reopened existing star attractions to bring visitors back and also draw attention of new customers. The high benefits Disney Paris offering to its employees creates a positive internal company culture and helps employees to provide visitors with high quality services. The high quality services with innovation transferred core values of Disneyland to its customers. For example, the â€Å"summer camps† service, which launched in 2003, brought low cost and high return to the company and at the same time welcomed by customers. A balance of local culture and America StyleI will advise Disneyland Paris to adapt the park in a balance of local culture and American style. Completely copying American model is proved to be a failure case therefore moving Disneyland Paris to this mode is just putting the company in the wrong track of development. A total local cultural mode will cause the pa rk lose its characteristics. If Disneyland doesn’t have any Disney features, why customers prefer Disneyland rather than its competitors? At one side, features like Disney characters and buildings differentiate Disneyland from other theme parks.At the other side, the company needs to design and organize services in a more local way to guarantee that its core values can be transferred and accepted by visitors. To connect Disneyland with local events will be a good choice. For example, Paris will hold music festival every July. Sending band which consisted with Disney characters to play music on the festival can remind people the existence of the park and attract them to visit it. In 2009, German visitors are just 3% of whole visitors (Maznevski, 2009). Therefore to increase German visitors can extend visitors and boost revenue.When Oktoberfest festival is held in German, Disneyland Paris can also hold beer festival in the park to make Germany feel happy and glad to visit the p ark as well as spend money. Bibliography Harry w. Lane, Martha l. Maznevski, Joseph J. DiStefana, Joerg Dietz. (2011). International Management Behavior. Chippenham, Great Britain: CPI Abtone Rowe. Karsten Jonsen, Martha Maznevski. (2009, 06 25). Disneyland Paris – ANNO 2009. Lausanne, Switzerland. Karsten Jonsen, Martha Maznevski. (2011). Disneyland Resort Paris: Mickey Goes to Europe. In M. l. Harry w. Lane, International Management Behavior (p. 137). Chippenham: CPI Antony Rowe.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Guide to registration on the childcare register Essay

The pargonnts of Anjum a little girl who is rising to your prospect moved to England only 3 months ago. Yours is the start-off noticeting that they have employ for 18 month old Anjum. They have genuinely little correspondence of the legislation diligence home base claw do by or the role of the restrictive body. foreland 1Consider 4 pieces of legislation that ar of the essence(p) for home establish peasantc atomic number 18rs and how you would adumbrate these to Anjums p atomic number 18nts? there are everywhere 20 pieces legislation currently use to defend fryren and their parents whilst using home based address desktops. I have adumbrate 4 pieces of legislation that I commit are strategic to home based child explosive chargers. nipperren dis guide 2004This carry sets kayoed the processes for compound operate to children in England and Wales, requiring local anesthetic anesthetic goernment activity and their let onners to co-operate in promoting the we lfare and well- macrocosm of children. It created the locating of Childrens Commissioner for England and introduced the inquirement for local regimen to have a director of childrens services.The Introduction of The Children cloak was the first measure that a UK law had acknowledged that children had rights. It Places indebtedness on home based child carers to care a child correspond the come outing five priority outcomes Be healthyStay safe enthral and achieve Make a constructive contribution Achieve economic eudaemonia childcare correspond 2006The childcare influence 2006 is a pioneering piece of legislation. It is the firstever act to be exclusively interested with archeozoicish years and childcare. The act has helped to modify childcare and early years services in England. Measures in the act corroborate the important strategic role local government activity play by dint of a set of impudent duties. These duties will require authorities to Improve the five both Child Matters outcomes for every last(predicate) pre-school children and reduce inequalities in these outcomes dear capable childcare for work(a) parents take into account a better enate knowledge serviceThe act to a fault re digits and simplifies early years regulation and recap arrangements, providing for a new integrated procreation and care quality framework for pre-school children and in like human beingsner for the new Ofsted Childcare Register. The Childcare 2006 Act has four part1. Provision of ChildcareThis requires local authorities to assess the need for child care and delay sufficient provisions are made for working parents. The child care must go steady the involve of every last(predicate) types of families especi onlyy those with glare income and disabled and those with special needs.2. Information, Advice and Traininglocal anesthetic authorities must alike run training and advice to persons who wish to be reservers of child care.3. Introdu ction of The Early Years knowledgeableness Stage (EYFS)This is an precept framework introduced to all suppliers of care for 0 -8 years. Its aims are to support and teach providers in delivery of early education to babies and children. This act also introduced free pot nursery hours for children ripened 3 and upwards.4. unsnarl of the Regulation and Inspection of ChildcareThis part focuses on raising quality and standards of pre-school care and education and requires all providers of childcare aged 0 -8 years to be registered on the Early Years register and be monitored by the regulatorybody (UK regulatory body) OFSTED (unless(prenominal) exceptionally alleviate). Evidence must be shown that these child care providers are continually working in line with the EYFS. The Childcare Act is of vital importance as it requires by law, those providing care to babies and children 0-8 to primary(prenominal)tain fixture high standards and that sufficient safe guards are in place and als o education and development opportunities are easily procurable for both the children being cared for, but also for the child care provider.This Childcare act has had a highly positive degree exertion on the childcare offered throughout communities, ensuring that fitted care is within everyones make water regardless of their affectionately economic situation, the erudition of their childs needs or their cultural and racial backgrounds. The act has successfully endeavoured to eradicate childcare providers offering wanting(p) care and eruditeness opportunities to those they are responsible for. This of course has had an excellent impact on all children who have care provided for them outback(a) of the family unit. comparison Act 2010This is a relatively new legislation which replaces various dissimilitude acts and puts them under(a) one heading and makes them easier to understand. The Equality Act legally protects slew from dissimilarity in the work place and wider soc iety. licitly people are defend if they are discriminated for their gender, race, religion, disability, breastfeeding mothers are now also cover by the law and women who are being paid less than a man doing the same job. These are just a small example of the people and situations that are covered by this law since 2010 as at that place are many more(prenominal) illustrations, the list is non exhaustive as practically anyone can be discriminated against for a pot of reasons. The Equality Act is there to protect everyone whether in employment or not. It is there to ensure we are all on an equal footing and that everyone regardless of their social status, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, mental health or intellectual acuity is treated with due respect and presented with equal opportunities.Data resistance Act (1998)The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA 1998) is an act defining the ways in which instruction rough people whitethorn be legally used and handled. The main intent is to protect individuals against misuse or abuse of reading about them. at that place are six main parts that outline the basic rights of individuals and how information about them is handled. The law states that all information written or spoken must be processed fairly and legally, be obtained for lawful purposes and in a manner compatible with the given purpose, it must be pertinent and not excessive, current and accurate, not be shared with any other party unless written permission is given and be protected against loss or damage.This is a fact/Info sheet to be given and discussed to with Anjums parents to go through the 4 legislations that I have highlighted as important to home base childcarers service.LEGISLATIONThere are over 20 pieces of legislation I follow as a childminder. Below I have listed 4 that underpin and important for home based childcarers. 1. Children Act 2004 identifies the needs of the child is paramount. Here are the 5 EVERY CHILD MATTERS priority o utcomes.Be healthy Stay safe wonder and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic wellbeing 2. Children Act 2006 Measures in the act hold the important strategic role local authorities play through a set of new duties. These duties require authorities to Improve the five Every Child Matters outcomes for all pre-school children and reduce inequalities in these outcomes Secure sufficient childcare for working parentsProvide a better parental information serviceThe act also reforms and simplifies early years regulation and inspection arrangements, providing for a new integrated education and care qualityframework for pre-school children and also for the new Ofsted Childcare Register3. EQUALITY represent 2010.The Equality Act legally protects people from discrimination in the work place and wider society. Legally people are protected if they are discriminated for their gender, race, religion or disability.4. info PROTECTION 1998.The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA 1998) is an act defining the ways in which information about people may be legally used and handled.QUESTION 2How would you go about outlining the 4 antithetical roles of the regulatory body to Anjums parents?As a childminder it is important that all new parents considering placing their child in my care have a clear understanding of the regulatory body Ofsted and their roles. I would provide this information by the production and disclose an information sheet outlining Ofsteds roles. In addition I would provide new parents with my recent OFSTED report and website address for OFSTED.It is important to be able to provide change types of media to enable all new parents with all level of communication and language or cultural needs to understand the information provided. This may be in the form of different media formats including information sheets in different languages if required.OFSTEDAs a childminder I am registered and monitored by the regulatory body OFSTED.There are four main role s that the regulatory body OFSTED have to carry out to regulate child carers in order to ensure that all children fit thebest possible care apart from their homes. childcare providers. register the childcare provider, or suspend or cancel their adaption inspect the childcare, usually without arranging this forward (an unannounced visit) Investgationtake enforcement attain against the provider in serious cases.REGISTRATION exclusively carers MUST be registered by OFSTED, it is an criminal offence to work with children and not be registered. (Carers exempt from being registered are those who care for children for less than two hours a day and under six separate occasions a year) A provider registered by OFSTED has to ensure all staff or people over 16 living with you at the premises or a regular visitor must obtain an compound CRB check, so that any criminal convictions are disclosed that make the person inappropriate to work with children.INSPECTIONInspection by an officer fr om OFSTED provides an evaluation of how you run your child care setting and is designed to help improve its quality and standards in the care, safety, learning and developmental progress of the children and their learning goals set out by EYFS.INVESTIGATIONAn investigating is carried out in cases where negative information is received regarding a particular setting to establish whether a registered provider is bland meeting and complying with requirements of OFSTED adjustment.ENFORCEMENTIf OFSTED registration standards are not met or severe misconduct is salutary OFSTED can take action against you and your line concluding in being smitten off the register preventing them from legally working withchildren. In severe cases legal action can be taken.BibliographyI used information from the following sourcesWebsites1. www.ofsted.gov.uk2. www.legislation.gov.uk3. Guide to registration on the childcare register, OFSTED word register 4. Children Act 2004 , Wikipedia.org 5. Childcare A ct 2006. Wikipedia.org

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Advances in Modern Irrigation Systems Essay

Advances in Modern Irrigation Systems Essay

Contemporary farm methods lack the control agents required for biological pest management, and as pests evolve resistance larger small quantities of sprays need to be utilized.Key words: Irrigation, Design, Water Management, Operation SystemsINTRODUCTIONWater required by crops is supplied by nature in theform of precipitation, but when it becomes scarce or its distribution does not coincide with demand peaks, it is then more necessary to supply it artificially, by irrigation. Several irrigation methods are available, and the selection of one depends on factors such as water availability, crop, soil characteristics, land topography, and associated cost. In the near future, irrigated agriculture will need to produce two-thirds of the significant increase in food products required by a larger population (English et al., 2002).Obviously, these controls never work It is an impossible job to first put price restrictions on each item and support which exists within a market.Criteria and procedures have been developed to improve and rationalize practices to apply water, through soil leveling, irrigation system design, discharge regulations, adduction structures, and control equipment. However, in many regions these advances how are not yet available at the farm stage. Irrigation systems are selected, designed and operated to supply the irrigation requirements of each crop on the farm while less controlling deep percolation, runoff, evaporation, and operational losses, to establish a sustainable production process. Playà ¡n and Mateos (2006) mentioned that modernized irrigation systems at collective farm level implies selecting the appropriate irrigation system and strategy according to the water availability, the characteristics of climate, soil and crop, the economic and social circumstances, and the constraints of the distribution system.

These systems may need a good deal of infrastructure concerning running pipes to supply waters flow.Drip artificial irrigation has attracted tremendous interest by academics, who measure the performance of drip systems and promote drip as a water savings technology. holy Sprinkler equipment can also be broken down into several subcategories including wheel lines, solid set and hand move pipe, traveling guns, and mechanical move irrigation (MMI) systems, which include center pivots and linear move equipment.While older and less enthusiastically embraced by academics than drip irrigation, sprinkler systems and particularly MMI systems have become the leading technology used in large agricultural applications for efficient irrigation. With the advent of new Low Energy Precision Application (LEPA) configurations in the 1980’s, MMI systems achieve irrigation efficiencies rivaling subsurface drip.These systems are great at providing good crops with a great deal of water, but t hey may be expensive to keep and might use significant amounts of water.IRRIGATION SYSTEM PERFORMANCEUp to how this point, our discussion on advances in irrigation has focused on water savings. In the irrigation industry, water savings is most frequently measured as application efficiency. Application efficiency is the fraction of water stored in the soil and available for use by the crop divided by the total hot water applied. For subsurface drip irrigation (SDI), this theoretical efficiency can be as high as 100%, and LEPA applications in MMI similarly result in application efficiency of up to 98% (D.

Irrigation might be required in sizeable locations.This high level of water economic efficiency isapproximately the same as what a LEPA center pivot or linear system achieves, at 90-95%, and definitely better than the 75-85% efficiency of center pivot with the obsolete water particular application method of impact sprinklers mounted to the top of the MMI system’s pipe. Gravity flow installations are typically around 40%-50% efficient. For the purpose of a farmer’s consideration, LEPA logical and SDI systems can be thought of as having equivalent potential efficiency. Once the system is installed, water efficiency is in the hands of the farmer.Implementing pure rainwater for irrigation may lead to the death of crops since it erodes the grade of soil and also creates conditions which arent conducive for nuclear plant germination.Such flushing is not a requirement with MMI equipment. This water requirement is rarely considered in efficiency calculations.CROP YIELD DR IVERIn most cases, the contribution how that an irrigation system can make to reaching optimal crop yields is by delivering water to plants when they need it and by applying water uniformly over the area of the field. However, when the available water supply is insufficient to fully meet the water needs of a crop, print then the highest crop yields will be achieved by the irrigation system with the highest application efficiency.

Agriculture encompasses a broad array of specialties.Uniformity of MMI systems is fairly ffrench constant over time. Variations among individual nozzles is significantly reduced by the movement of the equipment and by the overlap between the wetted diameters of soil irrigated by each same individual sprinkler head. Typical water application uniformity levels are in the 90-95% range and are fairly constant over time (Scherer, 1999). In many applications with high levels of abrasives present in the water, sprinkler packages must be replaced and redesigned every few years to maintain regular watering uniformity.It has played an integral part in the development of civilization.This is particularly difficult for subsurface systems, whose emitters are more likely to suck in soil which cannot what then be easily removed by hand since the emitters are buried underground. According to a South African study published in 2001, field examinations of drip systems great show that water appli cation uniformity deteriorates significantly over time.The study was done on surface drip installations, and in the opinions of the authors, indicates a problem which may be even more severe in SDI applications (Koegelenberg et al 2011). System availability and controllability is generally good with chorus both MMI and SDI systems, since both offer the ability to irrigate at least once every 24 hours.

Zero tillage commercial agriculture also should be utilized.As salts build up in soil, crop yields decrease. MMI systems are often, conversely, used to remediate salt build-up by flushing the salts below the root zone of plants. Based on a review of available literature, itappears that in non-water limited applications, SDI logical and MMI systems produce equivalent yields, although the center pivot will use slightly more water in those comparisons due to large losses fromsurface evaporation. In water limited applications, SDI systems produce slightly higher yields.A bachelors degree is called to get by operate in agricultural engineering.(O’Brien et al 1998). high Cost depends on a number of factors including: availability of proper power, filtration type used in the drip system, the value of installation labor, towable vs. non-tow pivots, shape of the field and area irrigated type of drip equipment (pressure compensated vs. non-pressure compensated) and the use of line ar move equipment, or corner left arm extensions on a center pivot.

Engineers that have a masters degree or a Ph.Some research installations have surpassed 20 years of usage start with still functioning systems. Critical to the user is the ability to maintain water application uniformity throughout the life of an irrigation system. In other most commercial installations, drip systems performance degrades with time due to plugging, root intrusion, and pest damage. Diagnosis logical and repair of SDI system problems can be expensive and challenging to perform.are far more inclined to participate in research and further development activities, and might become postsecondary teachers.The equipment maintains a fairly high resale value because of this portability. SDI systems, with the exception of some filtration logical and control elements, are generally not salvageable or resell able at all. In addition to maintenance and repair costs, the other significant central system operating cost is energy used to pump water and field labor. Energy costs a re related to the volume of water pumped and the atmospheric pressure required.

Another place to search for efficiencies is timing.Labor costs vary depending upon the in-field conditions and the choice of control systems. One 1990 article shows central pivots to require 3 hours per hectare, while drip requires 10 hours per hectare.(Kruse et al, 1990). Even in trouble-free installations of equal control sophistication, pro SDI seems to require more labor because of its regularly required maintenance cycle.Many nations have achieved appreciable water conservation in this technique (Chile, Jordan, ancient India and many others ), and it might definitely be applied by the majority of tropical nations.Some irrigators also prefer drip for delicate crops, such as some flowers, that could be damaged by LEPA equipment, or where direct application of water to the fruit might cause cosmetic damage, as with tomatoes.Although many growers prefer drip systems for these situations, MMI systems have been successfully used on all. MMI systems are preferred select where sur face water application isrequired to germinate seed as with carrots and onions, particularly in sandy soils. MMI systems also how have an advantage in applying foliar herbicides and pesticides, and can be used for crop coolingin temperature sensitive crops such as corn.

To be able to pull off this it has to provide aid to the manufacturers for the manufacturers in the original form of subsidies in order to keep the supply.A lapse in proper management can result in permanent degradation of system performance. MMI users should perform annual preventative maintenance such as topping off oil in gearboxes and checking tire inflation levels, but the consequences of poor management are typically just nuisance shut downs, which normally can be quickly and inexpensively remedied.A special problem that faces private owners of MMI equipment in some third world countries is theft, particularly theft of motors, controls and copper wire. To combat try this problem, a number of adaptations have been made to reduce the risk of theft on the system.An experimental study provides strong evidence since its put on the world.Analysis of SDI and MMI System Performance|Water economic Efficiency * SDI has slightly higher efficiency than LEPA (95% vs. 90-95%) in resear ch installation. * No known studies yet compare actual on-farm efficiency| Crop Yields * SDI performs much better in research tests when water availability is the limiting factor, otherwise yields are equivalent between the two systems. * Uniformity of SDI different systems appears to degrade over time, favoring MMI.

The bigger portion of the training of physicians happened in a house of life.* MMI systems have long lives (25 few years on average). SDI can have a life of 10-15 years if proper maintenance is performed. * Ongoing maintenance costs of SDI are 3-5 times higher than MMI.* Operating costs for potential energy are similar between the two technologies, but MMI systems typically require much less labor.Such endeavors can function to the expansion of areas.| Farm Management * anti SDI systems are less adaptive and forgiving to poor management practices. * Theft is an issue for mechanized systems in some third world markets. * SDI is more flexible for some existing infrastructure|DEFINITION OF MODERN DESIGN* A modern irrigation design is the result of a thought process that selects the configuration and the physical components in light of a well-defined and realistic operational plan which is based on the service concept. * Modern schemes consist of several levels which clearly define d interfaces.

* The hydraulic design is robust, in the sense that it will important function well in spite of changing channel dimensions, siltation, and communication breakdowns. Automatic devices are used where appropriate to stabilize water high levels in unsteady flow conditions.ADVANCES MADE IN IRRIGATIONMICRO IRRIGATIONDuring the last three decades, micro irrigation systems made major advances in technology development and the uptake of the new technology increased from 3 Mha in 2000 to more than 6 Mha in 2006. Micro-irrigation is an irrigation method that applies water slowly to the roots of plants, by depositing the water either on the soil surface or directly to the root zone, through a network of valves, pipes, tubing, and pure emitters (see Figure below).B. House at Colorado State University succeeded in applying water to the root zone of plants without raising the water table. Perforated pipe was introduced in Germany in the 1920s and in 1934; O.E.Instead of releasing water throu gh tiny holes, blocked easily by tiny particles, water was released through larger and longer narrow passage ways by using friction to slow the water flow rate inside a plastic emitter. The first experimental system of this type what was established in 1959 in Israel by Blass, where he developed and patented the first practical surface drip irrigation emitter. The Micro-sprayer concept was developed in South Africa to contain the dust on mine heaps. From here much more advanced developments took place to use it as a method to apply water to mainly agricultural crops.Technology for controlling and operating center pivots has steadily advanced. Kranz et al. (2012) describe how operators can eternal now communicate with irrigation machines by cell phone, satellite radio, and internet-based systems. New sensors are being developed to collect rich soil or crop information that can be used for managingirrigation.

Finally, Martin et al. (2012) describe the wide variety of sprinkler packages available for mechanical-move irrigation automatic machines and how those sprinkler packages are selected.Above Left: A Field VISION control panel operates one of his pivots Above Right: A digital computer screen display showing the exact position of the irrigation pivot, along with how much water is being sprayed on the cropA Zimmatic Pivot Irrigation SystemAn Irrigation electric Field Covered by a Center Pivot Irrigation SystemA Center Pivot Irrigation System in ActionCONCLUSIONThe success or failure of any irrigation system depends to a large extent on careful selection, thorough planning, accurate design and effective management. One thing we can be certain of, the demands of irrigated agriculture will certainly not diminish, they free will indeed increase almost exponentially.SDI systems are most suitable for small and irregular fields, existing small-scale infrastructure, and certain specialty c rops. These innovative technologies require significant investment. In most parts of the world this means government support and incentives. Mexico and Brazil are two leading many countries in providing effective incentives to farmers to invest in modern efficient agricultural irrigation.REFERENCESEnglish, M.J., K.H.A paradigm shift in irrigation management. J. Irrig. Drain.

logical and B. A. King. 2012., D.C. McKinney, and M.W.Syst. 76:1043-1066. James Hardie. 2011.Bjornberg.2012. Droplet kinetic energy of moving spray-plate center-pivot irrigation sprinklers. Trans.

2011. Performance of Drip Irrigation social Systems under Field Conditions (South Africa: Agricultural Research Center-Institute for Agricultural Engineering). Kranz, W. L.Lamm. 2012. A review of center-pivot irrigation control and automation technologies. Applied Eng.Stewart, logical and R.N. Donald. 1990.Singh. 2003. Regional water management modeling for decision support in irrigated agriculture. J.

Martin, D. L., W. R.2012. Selecting sprinkler small packages for center pivots. Trans. ASABE55(2): 513-523.14(4), (1998): 391-398. Playà ¡n, E., and L. Mateos.80:100-116. Rogers, D. 2012.LEPA Irrigation Management for Center Pivots.